Transcription with certification for court

The process of transcribing

Court transcripts go through extra checks/quality assurance and the process of transcribing and proofreading is carried out by specifically chosen transcribers and editors. Therefore, before ordering such transcriptions, we kindly ask you to inform us about the need to certify these transcripts.

We draw your attention on some special aspects of such transcripts:
Transcription of such type usually take additional time (no less than3 days);
Transcription is carried out only by experienced specialists;
Final transcripts go through extra checks/quality assurance;
The price for preparing transcripts for court differs from the standard price for transcripts.
Privacy of data
Uponyourrequestwesignanadditionalnon-disclosure agreement. Also, one of our managers will provide you with an example of formatting transcript for court.
Transcript certification for court
Our agency provides a certification service for our transcripts prepared from the records of your negotiations, court sessions, telephone conversations for attachment to the lawsuit.

The transcript will be printed, tied together and certified by our director’s signature and stamp. Also, a title page will be prepared, which indicates the participants of the hearing or the conversation (according to the client), as well as the unique serial number of the CD containing your audio recording. An example of the title page you can see below:

Contact us
+7 (495) 220-20-57
Please fill in the form below and our managers will contact you and provide you with all the details:
We follow strict guideline to protect all incoming materials, our client's private information and the output materials that are prepared as a result of our services.
Transcription Agency "Contect", 2006–2021 © User Agreement. IE Akhmadeev B.A., OGRNIP 18169000176560, TIN 162300205606.


> +7 495 220-20-57

Opening hours

> We work Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 20:00
> We accept applications on the site around the clock